Sunday 20 April 2014


Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight friends,

  Well, wow, Easter is here again.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel this year to be flying past their eyes and ears with no pause for refuelling?

Having embraced both a plethora of books, written words and thank the lord, some concerted efforts to continuously embrace theatre land here in London Uk, at last, my life - for what interest it is to you dear friends I do no know - has become something of an unusually pleasurable variety these last months since Christmas.

   As I write this to you now, I sit at mum's new breakfast bar, in her newly refitted country kitchen, see COUNTRY KITCHEN LIVING blog post Tuesday 10th Sept, 2013. Thea, my parents new puppy, has grown immeasurably to the size of a small ship in stature. She always was due to become a full sized lady of the house. My dad, in true country gentleman style that he radiates, has just brewed a lovely pot of steaming tea, from a red tea pot to a mug, and mum, bless her gentle soul, is playing chase the puppy with Thea around the coffee table in the living room.

Are you riveted by this? No, I thought not.

Am I at peace in the loving arms of my family amongst the rolling hills, babbling brooks and bails of somewhat damp hay this rainy Easter Sunday? Yes you bet I am.

 As far as I can tell life is one big adventure with a dollop of what I loosely term, admin. Admin seems to grow the older I get. You know, the finding a home, paying bills, settling down, raising a family side of life.

Am I being purposefully reactionary writing that? Yes.

Why? Well, I yearn to be a quiet family man. To share my life with another and hopefully raise children to  appreciate the beauty of beautifully peaceful English countryside.

So why write such a hard-line, admin comment then I hear your wonder? Well, I use the word admin loosely. As mentioned above.

Why? Well, as already written, as far as I can tell life is one big adventure. So, the admin growing as the years pass me by only serve to enhance what I can see is the adventure known as life.

Recently it has been with a warm smile and a positive beat in my heart that London is ever striking me as a beautiful playground of opportunities.

So, back to the admin. Perhaps I should call admin, essentials?!

Time and tide waits for no man. Except in my small world where a fear is that this staple essential desire to be a loving family man may prove never to realise itself upon me.

Whatever happens I have to write to you dear friends, life is at last becoming one big adventure. The essentials I feel will only come if I embrace the adventure.

So embrace life I shall.

Until we meet again through the page, I hope this finds you in good health and a happiness,

Warmly Yours

Peace Friends X

RJ Wardle

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